“What are the most common themes and sentiments expressed in user-generated content related to [product/service]?”
“How can we use user-generated content to improve our marketing strategy for [target audience]?”
“Can you analyze the tone and sentiment of user-generated content related to [brand/product] and provide actionable insights?”
“What are the most frequently asked questions or concerns mentioned in user-generated content about [brand/product/service]?”
“How can we use user-generated content to identify potential brand ambassadors or influencers for [target audience]?”
💡 保持提示具体:
例如: 而不是像 “告诉我教育趋势 “这样宽泛的提示,尝试一个更具体的提示,如 “在大学生中最受欢迎的在线学习平台是什么?”
💡 使用自然语言:
例子: 不要用 “人工智能以何种方式应用于学生评估?”这样的技术提示,而是尝试用更自然的语言提示,如 “人工智能如何帮助教师更有效地评估学生学习?”
💡 提供背景:
例子: 而不是像 “我们如何改善在线学习?”这样模糊的提示,提供更多的背景和信息,如 “根据用户反馈,学生在学习在线课程时面临的最常见挑战是什么,我们如何解决这些问题以改善在线学习体验?”