

1) 申诉时需要说明广告为什么没有违反 Google Ads 政策,介绍采取了哪些措施来更正此类违规行为(如果有)以及提供有关帐号/广告主的详细信息,还要表明愿意遵守 Google Ads政策。

2) 申诉时可能需要提供新信息/额外信息:

– a.有关广告主业务的信息 ( 有关广告主业务的信息、业务模式、产品/服务、目标受众群体、广告投放背景信息)

– b.有关客户-代理机构关系的信息

– c.域名所有权 (针对要在帐号中宣传的域名、商标证明、使用跟踪系统的原因(如果使用的话)添加更多详细信息)

– d.广告系列管理和帐号所有权

– e.付款证明文件 (表明帐号对付款方式的所有权,并且/或者帐号中的资金足以支付日常的广告支出)

* 请注意,以上a-e列表 并非详尽无遗,每种暂停情况对文件的要求不尽相同。实际审核结果可能因具体情况而异,具体取决于帐号和申诉时提供的信息。

3) 请务必花时间认真准备,在申诉时做到全面、准确和坦诚。

Dear Google Shopping Team,


Greetings from 公司名称. I hope you are staying safe during these unprecedented times. I am writing to explain on the merchant center suspension due to Misrepresentation of self or product (Untrustworthy promotions), including the efforts we are working on, our brand and product, as well as the self-check results. Thank you in advance!

Our merchant center is suspended due to Highly Suspicious since 封号日期.

Our Website:  网址

Our Merchant Center ID: xxxxx

Business Model:

We are a 城市, China based company founded in 成立时间. 解释业务模式、产品从哪里采购、是否自己设计生产、是否有品牌授权,网站定位是什么(要说明不是做杂货铺,有品类侧重)

Customer service




This is our Business license/

We started Google Ads operation since 开始做谷歌广告的时间

Here below are the efforts we have taken to be compliant with Google Shopping Policy. 以下写为了符合谷歌购物政策,网站做了哪些修改,插入修改前后截图

  1. We removed all promotions that may be unreliable.

2.We have reconfirmed that our website and checkout page are secure and quickly checkout.

  1. we confirmed our contact address, phone number and email are right. And we add our China office in the contact us too.
  2. We mainly focused on improving customers buying experience. We enriched products information and updated the shipping and return policies. All what we do is to ensure the accuracy of the information, enhance the customer’s buying experience and to rebuild the trust with customer.
  3. Return Policy:
  4. Shipping Policy


In fact, Google is one of the most important platforms to develop our global brand image and business. We aim to provide the best products to worldwide customer. Here below are the documents prepared to show the authentication of our business to to show the authentication of our business, brand and products.

Our customer feedbacks 

Our Bing Shopping happy customer review:





This is case with customer not satisfied with our product, and we provide refund to this customer.

This is customer who want cancel the order, before we shipped, he will get full refund without question.

  1. US Trademark Registration Certificate Online Checking Link: 商标注册证查询结果和证书


  1. Photos of office, factory and warehouses



Factory 插入供应商工厂图片

Warehouse in US

  1. Paypal account



All what we do is to try our best to comply with Google’s policies. We would like to continue providing the values to end customers via our powerful supply chain and more. Google is really important for us to expand our brand reputation. Could you please kindly let us know what to do to get merchant center unsuspended? We appreciate your support with this matter.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Best regards,



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